Fear + COVID

Fear + COVID

Facilities across the globe are now faced with two very important tasks:

1. Keeping their employees healthy

2. Keeping their patrons safe.

COVID-19 has changed how companies must clean and disinfect their facility right now, but also for the future.

While the focus presently is stopping the spread of COVID-19, this pandemic has brought a new fear associated with catching and spreading germs. Such a few will continue to shape our personal and professional lives for years to come.

People of all ages, throughout all levels of society and across every industry, have been transformed into germaphobes overnight.

People fear catching COVID or becoming an asymptomatic carrier who unknowingly spreads it.

People fear coughing or sneezing in public.

People fear touching keypads, grabbing door handles, having to utilize high-touch areas or devices.

People fear person to person interaction and feel awkward saying hello or goodbye, become confused over who they are talking to behind the mask, or are unsure of how to interpret body language or muffled verbal communication.

COVID-19 has instilled a sense of fear in every nook and cranny across the globe.

It has taken lives, incomes, and jobs.

It has shutdown schools, movie theaters, restaurants, and professional sports.

The havoc it has caused will not end with herd immunity, a vaccine, or time because long after the symptoms of COVID-19 end, the memory of what it did and the fear of a new strain of pathogen doing it all over again will forever fill people’s hearts and minds with…


What is your facility doing to combat this fear?

How is your facility battling COVID-19?

Contact us today to learn how we can assist in keeping you and your community safe.




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